Sunday, February 22, 2009

Poems, poems, poems!

Reading 2

Today I spent a couple of hours posting poems to my writing blog: Just click on the 'label' Poems Published.

Then I took a nap....

I want to try to post more poems soon. Hope you enjoy them!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Two doc appointments this afternoon. One to the Oncologist to schedule next Chemo (Probably next week-so don't look for many or any entries next week!), and one to a Gastroenterolist.

Although a marathon of docs exhausts me; I have to try to 'piggyback' appointments because it still costs me $9.00 round trip, and if I buy a cuppa, I spend over $10. So I really have to 'budget' my transit and doc visits.

BTW folks, it's been a very long time (over two months), since anyone has hit that PAYPAL button, so if you have a few bucks to spare...

Now I'm off to bed, and a TV movie. I may even be able to stay awake long enough to watch it!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Storm and Other Stuff

We had a cold, winter storm move through here late morning and mid-day. It was a real 'gully washer', making lakes of the sidewalks, and parking areas. Amazing stuff; I do love a good storm! No thunder and lightning though, that disappointed me! The wind however, was at times severe, so I had my computer turned off most of the day...

Mostly, Lucy and I sat at the window and watched. I tried a couple of times to get Big Boy to come in, but he would not have any of it for whatever strange reasons.

I was able to stay up in my wheelchair 4-5 hrs. at a time before having to lay down to rest.

This afternoon, Laura, from The Rock Church stopped by for a nice long visit. Among other things, she bought me two pictures from the latest Rock Church Cancer Ministry fund raising events. We ended our visit with a ‘joint’ prayer, which I really appreciated.

It was during this visit that my Grandson Michael called, but when I was able to return his call, his cell was messing up, so we are still playing ‘telephone’ tag. I am concerned about him because he is one of the MILLIONS that has had his work hours cut down to almost zero, and he’s job hunting. I don’t see or hear from him NEARLY often enough!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine's Day 2009

Valentine Paper Cutout

I had a nice, peaceful day. Still recovering from the last Chemo, I was able to spend 3-5 hours up in my wheel chair before having to lay down and rest for awhile...

I made, and sent, an eValentine to family and friends.

Then a young woman, Rachel, from Sacred Heart Parish Young Adults group, who visits me once in awhile, bought me a beautiful bouquet of Orchids.

Towards evening, I put down some catnip for Lucy, and later Big Boy came in and 'killed' his favorite toy (a floppy stuffed animal rubbed with fresh catnip).

Friday, February 13, 2009


That I haven't posted for so long...

Holy Moly

I've been doing 'big guns' Chemo every three weeks, hardly have time to 'recover' when it's time to 'go' again.

But I will make this blog a priority, and try to catch up, (you will be notified of any NEW entries, even if post dated, if you are a 'follower' of this blog.) when ever I have just a little energy!