Tuesday, September 21, 2004

More on Hemochromatosis

This came today as a Google 'news alert' I have requested on HH: it's very symptom descriptive, yet doesn't begin to say how sick I am right now (and doesn't mention cancers or memory probs).

Again spending much of my time in bed or just sitting; if I didn't actually KNOW what was wrong, I'd surely ALSO be having a nervous breakdown. (Where oh where is that wheelchair??? When you feel this bad, three weeks seems so very long!)

FROM: www.Newsday.com

The genetic issue: hemochromatosis
There is no dispute that some people do need to worry about iron overload: about 1 million Americans (mostly of northern European descent) have a hereditary disorder known as hemochromatosis, which causes them to absorb and store too much iron. When untreated, this can lead to weakness, headaches, darkening of skin color, sexual dysfunction, joint pain and eventually diabetes, arthritis, liver disease or heart failure (but not coronary artery disease and heart attacks). People with hemochromatosis must have blood removed frequently to lower their iron levels, and they must avoid iron supplements.

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