Wednesday, November 15, 2006

The Sisters finally have all shots!

Today, a friend came and took the Sisters in their big, old, airline crate to get the second half of their initial shots!

We are done with 'shots' for a year!!! Yea! And next year I will 'stagger' them. Lucy one month and Ethel the next, so it won't be so hard on the bank account.

What a long hard road it's been with them! Had I known they were sooo ill, and that it would be sooo long before they were well; I might never have 'adopted' them.

They are 2 1/2 years old now, and just finishing up their 'baby' shots! The URI virus they were born with (and the vet said that it was the worst year for virual pneumonia, uri, etc, that she'd ever seen!) ruled our lives for almost two years!

The could NOT go outside, nor be exposed to other animals (even if immunized animals!) till they'd had their own shots. They could not GET their own shots till they were free of all viral symptoms for a month! And it took 2 years for that to happen...

Just when I thought I could get them immunized, one or the other would come down with a runny nose, runny eyes, sneezing fits, or a cough! It's been gruesome.

Then, because they were WAY past the age to be immunized, they had to have TWO sets of half dose (but not half price!) vaccines.

But they are not only healthy now, but immunized! So hopefully they won't be getting all that kitty URI stuff again.

The next step? To get Advantage in here. Then I will start taking them outside! They can have a 'real' kitty life, chewing grass, laying in the sun, chasing blowing leaves, etc.

I will really have to be careful though, as they have NO experience with cars, other people, etc. I will only take them out when I can go out! They may not even 'like' it out there...

I am only planning on doing this because they are so well trained to come to me when I shake that Kitty Caviar can! And the only time the will get it is when they COME inside for me...

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