Saturday, December 15, 2007

Tetany - The Position

The Position

This morning I awoke in what I have come to call, ‘The Position’. I was on my left side, my neck and head ‘curled’ back towards my heels, my hands curled shut, my arms curled tight against my chest; a semi Tetany if you will. It occurs when your blood calcium level falls too low. Once you have experienced Tetany, your body ‘learns’ this muscular reaction, and it can and does happen when your blood calcium level comes down ‘rapidly’ (and that is a matter of your body’s choosing!), and your actual calcium levels do not have to be ‘low’, just lowered!
It has not happened often the past couple of years, due to whatever is producing parathyroid hormone in my body, but it happens...

Of course, if my calcium levels are really low, this can happen when I am wide awake! Fun stuff!

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