Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Wet & Wild Weather

Suddenly, the night was bright with lightning and the thunder was a constant boom!!! We'd had some scattered showers during the afternoon, but not a hint of this!

It seemed, somewhere around 1AM last night that a storm just sat overhead for about half an hour. The lightning was almost constant. The thunder rolled, growled, and banged. There was almost NO time between the lightning and the thunder.

The poor cats went nuts; Lucy & Ethel came off the foot of my bed where they'd been sleeping, with the first flashes of lightning, like a firecracker had been set off under them. Then they ran in separate direction, both literally running around in circles. They've never seen thunder and lightning.

I got in my wheelchair and then I shut all the blinds and opened a closet door for them, which they immediately took advantage of, and where they hid out for the rest of the night.

Then I went outside! I do love the rain and storms, perhaps because they happen so seldom. But unlike on other occasions, I stayed under the upstairs overhang. With that lightning seeming to strike all around, I was very aware that I was sitting on top of 140lbs of metal!!! Nor did I see any neighbors out checking out the storm as is usually the case, no one was even out on patios. Either it was too late at night, or the storm was just too bad.

I didn't stay out long, it was just too wet and wild. By 2:15 AM I was back in my warm bed, monitoring the rare storm from there, sans cats!

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