Sunday, March 09, 2008

Ocean Beach CA Wild Green Parrots

They are early this year. Perhaps because of the 'wet winter' we just had; everything is green and blooming earlier than usual.

At any rate, the flock of wild green parrots arrived just before sunset to settle into the trees for the night. This year I had an audio recorder. (I haven't tried getting pics myself yet!)

Their noise drives some of my neighbors nutso, especially at dawn, when the awake and prepare to leave for the day. I sleep right though it. And I find their 'noise' of an evening, a joy!

Here is audio of the entire flock settling in to roost of an evening!

This was one of my first attempts at audio recording! I recording them from my patio, as they were circling around, and fighting for roosting spots high overhead! This goes on for about an hour and a half; from when the sun starts setting till first full dark, for weeks on end!

And here is a great public domain video, made in Ocean Beach, CA by an unknown person.


  1. That is so neat. I bet the noise can get aggrevating after a while but I'm sure seeing them makes it less so. We only get hummingbirds here but they too are fun to watch.


  2. That is so neat. I bet the noise can get aggrevating after a while but I'm sure seeing them makes it less so. We only get hummingbirds here but they too are fun to watch.

