Wednesday, January 12, 2005

More Adventures with the Rescue Kitties!

You're not gonna believe this one!

I noticed last week that Lucy (one of my two 'rescue' 8 mo. old sister kittens) was a little lethargic. It's gotten gradually worse. Every once in awhile, she'd 'cry out', like something was hurting. But they are both eating/drinking/going potty just fine thank you...but I was wondering about the possibility of another ear infection.

My two rescue kitties CAME with an upper respiratory infection that they've been battling ever since. At various times, because their immune systems aren't working well, (I sure know that feeling!) they've had bacterial eye and ear, infections. And pneumonia. They've been through treatment w/oral antibiotic 2x, IM penicillin x 1, eye antibiotic x 2. (Which I've managed to PAY for w/the help of my friends!!!) These kittens have never even been well enough to get their 'routine' immunizations!

As they've aged, they've gradually improved, health wise, as the vets told me they would. And I thought perhaps I was at the 'end' of it and was saving my nickels to get their shots next month.

Today I went to my routine appt. w/my Ophthalmologist (to check on what diabetes is doing to my eyes), and it turns out that I have an eye infection!!! I was prescribed eye drops for daytime, ointment for night, for two weeks and then have to return to the doctor. The only symptoms I had were mildly burning/itching eyes that felt 'swollen'; I thought I'd been in front of the computer monitor too much!

I mentioned to the eye doc that my two cats had had eye infections a couple of times and could we be 'passing' it back and forth. He said it was 'not likely' but COULD BE possible. (btw, I've never in my life had an eye infection!)

Well, when I got home, Lucy had one very swollen and goopy eye, and was even more lethargic. So I called the vet. He is coming tomorrow. I mentioned to him that I had just been diagnosed with an eye infection. Could we be passing it back and forth??? He said it was unlikely, but not impossible.

As most of ya know, I live on a very fixed and limited income, am in a wheelchair, do not have a car, or access to anyone to take the cats TO a vet (besides they haven't had their distemper shots yet). My vet comes HERE. Which means he is pricey, actually downright expensive!

I estimate (based on past experience) that tomorrow, to have both cats seen, get oral antibiotics for each for 2 weeks, and ditto eye drops, is gonna run $300 minimum ($150 for 'visit' and meds for each kitty), which I will have to borrow. On top of which, I'll have to pay 10% interest on what I borrow from bank!!!

Plus, vet has been telling me all along, kitties need high powered daily vitamins for several months, till over viral whatever, and I've never been able to afford...

So now, we're ALL gonna be on eye meds!!!

And I'm asking for your help with these unexpected vet bills...

Please help if ya can!!!

And if ya can't, believe me, I understand!

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