Sunday, May 22, 2005

Waiting, waiting, waiting

My blood sugars are NOT under good control, and haven't been for some time. I suffer from the X Syndrome (well, I don't have high blood pressure), the result is poor blood sugar control, weight increase, cholesterol increase, etc.

I also have neuropathy. I have to take Liquid Erythromycin before I eat anything sold, or my stomach will not process my food to match my insulin intake. And I have almost constant pain/burning in my fingers and toes.

For the past few years, like millions of others, I've been seeking solutions.

A couple of years ago, I became aware that one might be on the horizon, at least for some of us, and perhaps for me!

Byetta, by Amalyn pharmaceuticals, has been developed, went through multiple trials, was submitted to the FDA for approval. And it WAS approved on April 30th, 2005. It will be available by rx, in pharmacies on 6/1/05.

I can't begin to understand Byetta, but apparently, it is still one more naturally occurring hormone (like insulin), that the pancreas normally manufactures in folks who do NOT have Diabetes.

It is an injectable (pen form) and has to be used twice a day. It helps to control blood sugar on a long term basis (don't know if I will still have to take insulin). And get this, the side effects include lowered appetite and weight loss!!! (Well, sure, if your blood sugars are normal, you are not nearly as hungry!) Side effects I think I can deal with!

To top it off, it contains no preservatives I'm allergic to (zinc allergy means there's a lot of insulins I can't take).

Now, I've been SO patient though all this waiting. Much of the time early on in it's development, I didn't even allow myself HOPE. But now, the closer it gets, the more I want it! Now! Today!!! My patience is worn out and I don't want to wait this final couple of weeks before I can finally get this med. So much so, that I've emailed my Endocrinologist TWICE this month. Luckily, she is tolerant and puts up with me...

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