Friday, March 03, 2006

A Winter Rain

It’s been one of the best afternoon’s I’ve had in a long time. And one I’ve been waiting far too long for. It rained; not sprinkles, not drizzle, not wind and thunder, just a normal Southern California, steady, winter rain. And best yet, I had nowhere I had to go, and nothing I had to get done. (Though I do love being out in the rain, my power wheelchair precludes such activities; WHY aren’t they totally waterproof???)

Not that it hasn’t rained lately, it has, but the rain has come pouring down in the middle of the night when about all you can see is it splattering against the windows. All that’s happened during the day this winter has been short lived sprinkles and drizzles. Not even lasting long enough to make a cup of coffee and get comfortable.

But this afternoon, it rained long and hard, for hours. So I spent the afternoon sitting in my new rocker, sipping on hot de-caf, reading a good mystery and stroking one cat or another. And watching the rain as it hit my patio and plants. I listened to it too, as it splattered the driveway and ran off the roof.

There are so many moments in life that are frightening, sad, uncertain or frantic, but a steady afternoon rain is an affirming life moment. Even if you’re out in it, driving or working, if you just take a few minutes to appreciate this gift of nature, a rain will help you in whatever ways you need help. A good daytime rain can center you, relax you, or you may even have an aha! moment and get a handle on something that’s been ‘sitting on your soul’ for awhile.

It’s still raining out as I write this, but night is falling, so visibly watching the falling rain is becoming impossible.

I would wish for all my friends, and relatives, a good rain tomorrow afternoon, and that they would TAKE the time to enjoy it…

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