Thursday, December 14, 2006

Tired, tired, tired

Slept in today. And slept pretty well last night actually, (no cramps in my hips) even if I do have to sleep with my left lower leg and foot hanging off the bed and uncovered.

But my muscles definitely seem to be getting weaker. Am having more and more trouble getting out of, standing up from, the chair I transfer to that's in front of my desktop. It's the strangest thing; there's no numbness, cramps, etc. I can fully move both legs, just can't stand.

When I am standing, gait and balance, ankle pain, is so much worse again. Am back to using wheelchair inside the apartment, not a walker. Bummer.

And I'm choking a lot; liquids (even saliva) goes down the wrong way. This is all getting increasingly worse AGAIN.

I think all this is getting me depressed...

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