Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Parathyroid Doc Round #

I went for an appointment with Dr. Deftos this afternoon at UCSD Pearlman Center. I was not disappointed because I expected the dance; I had seen the writing on the wall, that is, Dr. Deftos tells you, he offers me no input, no choices. (Typical University doc mind set.)

He SAYS he thinks that I do have hyperparathyroidism (amazing as that is what the PTH tests have been saying for a number of years). BUT since my Calcium is not high (never mind that I’ve already had TWO parathyroid surgeries and my endo system has been compromised since I was 27 AND he’s done nothing but standard serum Calciums), he can’t refer me to a surgeon.

Actually, I reacted well; I just nodded, and worked at getting the tests done that I felt I needed ie a PTH done at BOTH UCSD and Scantilabs at the same time, and a Calcium and Ionized Calcium. If you have the Labs, there is always another doc down the line.

Actually, what it seems to me that he is doing is going by that ONE Scantilab test, which was absolutely mid-line normal, and ignoring the multitude of other PTH tests, and the actual symptoms. I have to wonder about his connection to this Scantilab Company.

He also came up with: you are functioning well (right, except for the bone pain, muscle weakness, cramps, et al). (In fact, though I did not tell him this, I feel I would be a lot less fat, if I felt well enough to mop the floor or vacuum!)

Then he blamed much on me being fat! (I could not believe he did this! I was literally left breathless) I did try to bring some sanity into this myth, pointing out that I had CAT scans yearly of my pelvic and abdomen without difficulty to help track the bladder cancer. And that I was this fat for most of my surgeries. But he said that now they used ‘less invasive techniques’ and I was too ‘fat’ for the instruments (well hell, I’ll find a surgeon that ‘cuts’)! BTDT!

Then, to my further disbelief, we discussed weight loss surgery, in the past 7 years I was turned down for the ‘gastric bypass’ by two different surgical centers because of my endo probs. And apparently, my insurance does not cover the ‘Lap Band’. He said that if I gave his name as a referral, he would ‘approve’ it. I found this incredibly asinine; you cannot make a surgeon do a procedure s/he feels is wrong!

In passing, he also mentioned a medication to help bring down my PTH, then he told me it didn’t work well! (I will have to do my research on this one!).

Dr, Deftos then told me that he would continue to ‘follow’ me and ‘watch’ (while I am sick and hurting!) on a two month schedule.

I came home feeling ‘used & abused’ by a doc still one more time. However, I did get the lab work done, and THAT may be interesting. The results should be available in two weeks.

Why it is that so few docs ask, “what are your ideas on this”, or “what would you like to do”? Why is there no room for two way communication or action? Why is there never a middle road? It seems to me that these are MY choices and decisions, not his. After all, isn't that why a person CONSULTS a doc? To get options so a valid personal decision can be made? Or maybe I am just confused...

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