Saturday, February 10, 2007

Non-Smoking Comfort!

I have finally found my solution for non-smoking areas and places. I am not talking about an hour or two here, but usually a longer period of time, when I’m stuck somewhere and can’t get to a ciggie!

I buy 4 mg. Commit Lozenges, I like the mint flavor. I cut them into 8 little pieces (my standard, old pill cutter works just fine for this), each piece having about the same amount of nicotine as an 'ultra light' ciggie. I keep the cut Commit Lozenges in a small tightly capped container. Right now, I actually keep them IN my ciggie case. You can buy Commit Lozenges OTC at just about any Drugstore.

I also buy E-Z Quit Smokeless, Artificial Cigarettes . The flavor cartridges (3) that comes with these are also ‘mint’ flavored and they last a long time. These are my ‘pacifiers’, my hand to mouth vehicle!

When I am in a non-smoking place or situation long enough to become uncomfortable, (and that seems to be far too often), I now have relief!

Before I actually fall into a ‘nicotine fit’, I place one little piece of Commit Lozenge under each side of my tongue (it takes awhile to melt, therefore it is better to start BEFORE you have a full blown ‘nicotine fit’, but seems to start being absorbed quickly). Then I pull out my E-Z Quit pacifier (which comes in a nice plastic storage tube) and start puffing away on my ‘pacifier.

This works so well for me, that I am in the process of stocking not only my ciggie case, but each place in my apartment where I smoke, my TV chair, the dining room table, my office. One room at a time, I’m going to wash out the ashtray, put a little container of cut up Commit on one side, and lay an E-Z Quit artificial cigarette, (in it’s tube), ready for use in the ashtray.

I may end up an ex-smoker one room at a time! Though that was not my basic intent, I just wanted to be comfortable in non-smoking environments.

Of course, it depends on having the extra $$$ to get what I need. I just ordered two more (I have one, but am out of cartridges) E-Z Quit artificial cigarettes (they come with 3 cartridges each). When they arrive, I will have my ‘stocked’ ciggie case for when I am out, have an extra in the closet, in case I lose an E-Z Quit, and I will be able to stop smoking in my ‘office’. Next month I will buy more Commit.

A fun aspect of this for a cantankerous, independent old smoker is the reaction I get from people as I puff on my pacifier while in a doctors waiting room, restaurant (after a meal), on the disabled transit van (sometimes you can be stuck on there for well over an hour). People around you are quick to tell you ‘no smoking’, but they do not know how to react when I point out that I am not smoking!

Sadly, the discrimination a smoker gets in our society today (even when in a smoking area!) is so ‘drilled in’ to the populace by our Big Brother government, that it even leaks over to anyone with anything white in their hand or mouth! Amazing...

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