Friday, August 31, 2007

AutoImmune Hell

or heaven?

After just four days of 15 mg per day of Prednisone, am feeling like I may live. The muscle and joint pain is much better, and I definitely have more energy.

But the past four days have NOT been easy; not only was I so ill, but this time the Prednisone (or something) really whacked out my blood glucose, and I've been fighting highs on top of everything else. I'll really have to watch my BG's carefully the next couple of days. After I start getting/using more energy, those numbers will drop fast and dramatically. Soon I will have to set my Insulin Pump on the 50% pattern I've programmed in...

But I'm also taking Plaquenil 200mg twice a day. It's supposed to take weeks to start working, but I thought it was helping a little after just a couple of days (and that was before I started the Prednisone). Perhaps just the Placebo effect...

Some of my friends are concerned that I'm going to be taking Prednisone for weeks this time. But you know what? It was not a difficult choice: take the chance of gaining weight or be totally non-functioning from pain and 'flu' like symptoms. No choice really....

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