Thursday, January 31, 2008

Silent Heart Attack

Saw my PCP today for my routine monthly follow up. But this time it was different. He heard a heart murmur he had not heard before.

I was not concerned. Having had Rheumatic Fever as I child, I have had a murmur come and go over the years.

He insisted on an ecg though I’d just had one 3 months ago. Was I surprised when he told me I had had a ‘silent’ heart attack!

A few weeks ago, I had suffered from a ‘belly ache’ and I could not really tell if it was my belly, or chest that was hurting. It was mild and went away in a few days. Perhaps it wasn’t a belly ache after all.

But no bad pain, no sweating, no pain in arm, no nausea.

Two new meds were added to my regime, Welchol and Plavix. Now in my introspective moments I wonder when the ‘BIG’ one is gonna hit…

I was urged to quit smoking and to lose weight! Ha! If I haven't been able to do it in 62 years, I don't think it's gonna happen now.

I truely feel one of the main causes of this 'silent' heart attack is all the stress I've been under the last 6 months; the water damage & reconstruction, the refrigerator failure (again water damage), AIMCO's slowness in reimbursing me for my expenses, and the computer problems. Add to that, my much less physical activity due to the RSD in my left ankle, toss in severe poverty, and it spells disaster...

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