Friday, June 18, 2004

Time to get Down & Dirty?

I KNOW that many won't agree with me...

But I believe it's time to get hard-core, down and dirty, with the Saudis (and perhaps other Muslim country nationals?).

First, American civilians in Saudi Arabia should come home; cancel their passports and visa's! It is not safe for them there, (though they may believe otherwise) and the Saudi kingdom has proven to be unable to protect them.

Next, I think all visa's and passports should be revoked for the Saudis that are HERE. Send these people back to their own country to study, live, deal with their politics, extremists, and terrorists. Barring that, I think all Saudis living and working in America should be 'shunned' in the 'old fashioned' meaning of the term by Americans.

Don't talk to them other than simple yes/no's.
Don't rent to them.
Don't sell them anything but basic necessities.
Don't socialize with them.
Don't employ them.

Now this may SEEM harsh and even un-American. Especially as most Saudis living and/or working in America PROBABLY have absolutely nothing to do with terrorism or the death of Paul Johnson.

BUT, these people obviously need to go HOME and take care of business! Perhaps our government, indeed, world governments, can not take such a severe stance. But, each and every one of us in our personal daily lives CAN.

We can each wage our own war on terrorism. Individually, we can choose how we act and react to these strangers living amongst us, these expatriates of Saudi Arabia (and other problematic countries). I urge each of you to take the small actions mentioned above in your everyday lives; without being cruel, certainly without any physical violence, when and if you can.

Perhaps if it's not so pleasant HERE for them, perhaps if we don't make it so EASY for them to remain here, they will return to their home countries, and take charge...

Just one mad poet's opinion!

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