Sunday, June 20, 2004

Bread & Butter Pickles

Twice a month I order groceries (and related household items)from
They are delivered the next day.

Thank heavens for this relatively new online service! For without them, what would the sick/disabled do??? Not only do I have a complete online selection of routine and usual items, but they only charge me $10 for the delivery. (I'm sure THAT will increase with the gasoline prices.)

Currently, my power wheelchair is awaiting approval for repairs; I can not take it to the local stores. And the current housekeeper will not take me anywhere in her car! (Both these things will be changing eventually!)

But I digress! I LOVE grocery day! Buy the time I order, I am likely to be OUT of several necessities.

Not to mention the 'extras'. Like today I recieved a jar of Bread and Butter Pickles, something I haven't had for years, shouldn't have spent the $1.99 on now, but just had a 'taste' for 'em, and couldn't resist.

Once I'd decided to get some pickes, I had a difficult time deciding between Dills and Bread & Butter. It's been so long since I've had either! I finally opted for the Bread & Butter slices.

I think it's so sad that the aged, disabled, ill in America can't afford pickles! But, let's send some more BILLIONS to rebuild Iraq this month!!!

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