Sunday, June 17, 2007

Cat Maintenance Day

On the 17th of each month, I grab a cat, making sure to note which one I have, so as not to do one twice and miss the other one.

I put the feline on a table; and first I give it a good (but gentle!) brushing. Then I clean out the ears with a large cotton ball dipped in Wesson Oil (prevents ear mites). I apply Advantage. Lastly, I give a treat!

When I first started this Cat Maintenance, just before I started taking The Sisters Outside, they were not happy kitties, even though I ‘sweet talked’ to them the entire time. Usually the one I did not have in custody, would slink off, and try to hide.

I have learned several things:
1) Make sure I am ready and have ALL equipment at hand
2) Do this BEFORE I let them out
3) No matter what, hold onto the nape of the neck of the Cat being maintained
4) Keep Talking
5) Work Fast
6) Have the ‘treat’ sitting within visual distance

Now, though we only do this once a month, they are getting more accepting of the whole process, and I am getting better, faster at getting the job done. (If I just had a third hand, I could trim their nails also!) Cat Maintenance Day IS getting easier and smoother.

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