Sunday, July 11, 2004

Bailed Out!

I finally got OUT of this apartment! After TEN weeks of almost total confinement; 'jailed' just for lack of mobility equipment...

(Still haven't heard a yea or nay on wheelchair repairs/replacement.)

A friend purchased two new batteries for my 9 year old Rascal Scooter, and installed 'em. (Bless his heart!)

I can't get on the transit bus with it, it's too large, a big four-wheeler. So I still can't get to doc appointments, but I sure can get around the neighborhood now! I can get my own mail, even on a day when my 'provider' isn't scheduled. I can go sit by the pool, read, and soak up some sun. I can go to Famosa Slough and feed the ducks. And I can go shopping!

The scooter had to charge overnight though I was so tempted to go out on West Point Loma at 3AM to watch the sparse traffic and enjoy the night, something I do once in awhile. I restrained myself, feeling I needed to check out the scooter in daylight at first.

The next day; I was outta here! The old scooter ran well, even though I assume the tires probably needed air.

I stayed inside the complex. Till the gel batteries are charged 2 - 3 times, I won't get 'full performance'. But I was 'out & about' for over two hours. An absolute joy!

It was a beautiful afternoon, warm and sunny. People were out doing all kinds of stuff: washing cars, cleaning patios, moving in, kids played, some folks were in the pool, one family was grilling on their patio.

I soaked it all in like a drowning person gulps for air. And I took 'clippings' for three new plants. I didn't run into anyone I know, and that's unusual, but I was OUT.

Soon as the batteries are at full functioning AND I get someone to check the tires (a neighbor in the next day or two); I'm off to Long's Drugstore! Something I'm as excited about as someone else is their trip to Europe!

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