Thursday, July 22, 2004


Fatigue. I've been feeling it gradually creep up on me during the last few weeks; have observer how it changes me and my lifestyle in an almost clinical manner.

But in the past few days, it's really crashed in on me.

I have to lie down SEVERAL times a day now. Can't complete even short, simple tasks without resting. If I push myself, I get SO TIRED, that I'm reduced to tears. Then there are the heart palpitations, shortness of breath, increased balance problems, and of course, my Blood Glucose goes really wacky.

Gross as it sounds, and as gross as it is, I have to report that I am not showering often, nor changing my clothes, nor cooking, nor doing much housework. Just don't have the energy.

I have enough energy to take care of the kittens, fix something to eat once in awhile (sandwiches & chips!), check my email, read the TV Guide, and use the remote...

I am ANGRY! Angry and frustrated beyond belief.

I'm only suffering this 'relapse' because Medicare/Medical STILL hasn't come through with repairs/replacement of my wheelchair. Therefore, I'm MISSING all my medical appointments!

Why should I have to SUFFER more than I already have because some bureaucrat (who has the energy to sit up in a chair behind a desk) is not doing his/her job???

Why should I put my life on 'hold' again??? I was just barely starting to rebuild it!

Tell me, WHY???

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear that things are really, really not going well for you. I arrived at your Blog via Dm4Life. I clicked on the "old hippie joke" but when I got to your site I deceided your Blog would be a better choice. I have book marked the spot and will keep an eye on how you are doing. I have no advice and can't be much help from out here in the corn fields but I can listen. I will listen.

