Tuesday, July 27, 2004

The Donald (Trump that is)

First thing I heard when I woke this morning was Donald Trump. (I leave the radio on all night.)

In a loud, strident, and obnoxious voice he was doing a PSA TELLING young people not to smoke. At the end of the spot, he added: "Don't smoke, don't drink, don't do drugs; it will ruin your life."

Even in my sleep-groggy, no-caffeine-yet state; my mind said 'what is wrong with this picture?'

So, I was thinking about this (and Donald's voice was still ringing in my ears) as I started my morning routine.

"Don't smoke, don't drink, don't do drugs; it will ruin your life."

It didn't take me long, I hadn't even finished my first cuppa coffee when my objections to this statement gelled in my mind:

Although Donald's 'telling not showing' statement (do as I say, not as I do) MAY be a 'correct' statement:

1) it is so "I" oriented
2) it is totally selfish
3) it is me, me, me

It would matter LITTLE to me that friends, mates, loved ones, co-workers, neighbors, relatives, etc. not smoke, drink, or do drugs. (Though these are all admirable traits.)

What WOULD matter to me was that people legitimately made an effort in their lives to NOT lie, cheat, or steal. That they believed (no matter any religion or not) in 'do unto others'.

It WOULD matter to me that they had integrity, manners, knew how to read and write and knew where Iraq was!

So, in today's American culture you are an upstanding citizen if you don't smoke, drink, or do drugs. BUT you can embezzle from you employer, not bother to check on an elderly neighbor, cheat on your mate, not bother to vote, not respect your parents and elders, or lie on your tax return???

No wonder we're in trouble...

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