Saturday, July 17, 2004

Out & About Again

I went to Long's Drugs today! All by myself! It's probably been over three month's since I've done this! Far, far too long...

The afternoon was warm and sunny. Lot's of people were out and about, including me! I had a smile on my face for everyone I came in contact with!

My scooter and it's batteries worked without a hitch.

Once inside Long's, I slowly went up and down ALL the aisles, one by one, picking up a few things to purchase, but mainly just looking. What was new, what was gone, what had been rearranged; I took it all in, literally like a kid in a toy store...

Then came the best part of my 'trip'.

When I left Long's, I crossed another huge intersection, went a couple of blocks further down the street, to the Golden Arches! I'd had no fast food for ages..

Surprisingly, it was crowded, even though it was well past lunch time, and not yet dinner time. Which was a good thing, because I needed time to decide exactly what I wanted. And, oh, it smelled so very good in there...

I ordered enough food (to go) for two night's worth of dinners. Then, because they'd installed 'push' openers on their doors since I'd last been there, I was able to exit the restaurant without help from anyone.

The smell of the french fries wafted back to me from where the sacks were stashed in my front basket, all the way home...

1 comment:

  1. Have you ever seen Asparagus this BIG
    They grow up to 15in long and 2in wide.
    backyard gardening
