Saturday, July 24, 2004

Defining Fatigue

The word 'fatigue' should have a different name and definition. It is commonly used interchangeable with: wiped out, tired, worn out, sleepy, sleep deprived, etc.

And it is NONE of those things and all of them!

How I now describe Fatigue to people:
Suppose you got up one morning and evaluated the day before you. You made an actual detailed 'list' of everything, and I mean literally, every little thing, you were going to do today.

Your list might start out looking something like this for your morning:

make coffee
feed the cat
drink a cup of coffee
watch the morning news on TV
fix breakfast
eat breakfast
pick up after breakfast
take meat for dinner out of freezer
scoop the catpan
brush your teeth
floss your teeth
get dressed

Well, if you are suffering from Severe Fatigue, you automatically have to scratch OUT half this list!!! You will not be able to complete these activities (well perhaps if that's ALL you did for the whole day!). So WHICH 6 - 7 items on this list will you NOT DO???

So then you're list might look like this (yet take up the same or more time!):

make coffee
feed the cat
drink a cup of coffee
watch the morning news on TV
fix breakfast
eat breakfast
take meat for dinner out of freezer
scoop the catpan
brush your teeth
get dressed

And if the Fatigue is REALLY bad, your morning might look like this:

make coffee
feed the cat
scoop the catpan
wash your face and hands
brush your teeth

THIS IS SEVERE FATIGUE; and you might even have to rest or lie down BETWEEN each of these activities. Or do them in stages or steps!

So you see why I think the word 'FATIGUE' as it is used today does not begin to define this state of being...