Saturday, October 20, 2007

Camping Out in the Living Room


First thing this morning, they work on the apartment was started. The first thing they did was move my refrigerator into the living room, and install plastic sheeting blocking off the Dining Room and Kitchen.

And the reason I am able to remain in my own apartment is because the apartment immediately behind me is empty! Fortuitous, as they can do most of the work from there, needing little access through my own apartment.

I spent most of the day outside on the sidewalk with my coffee, and astray atop a little white plastic patio table, as they tore down all the dry wall, cabinets, etc. I also had my crochet and my eBooks on my PDA. The Sisters hid in the bedroom, seemingly terrified.

Although I had taken out what I thought I would need, there was much stuff I did not think of grabbing; utensils, toaster, can opener, broom, vacuum, etc. So now I just have to live without this stuff for a few days...

Just before dinnertime, the big dryers, heaters, blowers were hooked up behind the plastic.

I find myself ‘camping out’ in my own living room. What a mess...

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