Monday, October 22, 2007

Now THIS is what I call second hand smoke!

Something like 11 fires going in San Diego County. The first two seemingly caused by power lines broke and blown down by the current Santa Ana Winds. (What? They are not blaming an errant smoker?)

Herded by the winds, flames are marching across the county towards the Pacific Ocean.

Across the county, city after city, community after community are being put under mandatory evacuations; 26,000 from this town, 48,000 from that town. Really amazing stuff.

And over us all, even those not in the line of 'fire' is the particle and ash filled smoke. In some places, the ash is falling like snow.

People are trying to stay inside, or going to clean-air malls. Others are wearing masks, holding wet cloths over their faces, and with no choice, breathing in the chemical laden gunk.

(This time, unlike during the wild fires of 4 years ago, the air in my immediate area, the local air quality is bad, but not terrible.)

One day of this (or the air pollution near any wildfire) is probably equivalent to a lifetime of smoking ciggies.

Wonder if the C.A.V.E. (Citizens Against Virtually Everything) People are having panic attacks and hysteria.

Or perhaps they are giving that little ‘fake cough’ and waving hands in front of delicate noses?

And what about all those people that claim to be allergic to smoke? (Which by my guestimate, is half of San Diego County) Why aren’t people dropping like flies, from their claimed ‘allergy’ to smoke, and being rushed to hospitals in ambulances?

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