Thursday, January 11, 2007

The almost escape!

It was just past midnight and I was sitting in the Living Room watching one of my favorite PBS programs: Rosemary and Thyme. For some wonderful reason, it's been on every week night at 11:30PM, so I've had the chance to catch up on the episodes I've missed.

But about half way through the program, I heard LOUD thuds and bumps coming from the bedroom. I called the girls and they didn't come. So I quickly went to investigate.

In spite of the screen being 'nailed' on, and the window only being open about 2 inches, Lucy had managed to push out the top of the screen. Then get herself caught between the window and the lower aspect of the screen, which was holding strong.

I gently extracted her, something she did not take kindly too. Then I looked around for Ethel to make sure she hadn't made it outside. They were none the worse for it.

But it pointed up the fact that they are now almost 3 years old, HEALTHY (at last), have had all their shots, have been trained to come at the sound of the 'snack' can shaking, and want to get OUT. And there is no reason now for me to not introduce them to the big world out there. After all, they ARE cats!

It's bad enough that I'm almost 'housebound', I have never seen any reason for The Sisters to be locked in this small apartment with me forever. In fact, as I go around the complex and see cats on patio rails, or lying in the sun, I have wished that for my two Sisters.

I must admit though, I am anxious and overprotective, they were so sick for so long. And they have never, ever been outside. And I have no $$$ for vets should there be an accident or incident of some kind.

But, tomorrow I will order Advantage ($56. 'gulp' - but enough for a year), and hopefully, we can start going out, first on the patio, next week!

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