Tuesday, January 16, 2007

The Girls are OUT!

The Advantage came, (I think I have enough for about 4 years!), and was administered!

This afternoon, in spite of cold and off and on sprinkles, we spent an hour on the patio!

Lucy, the 'alpha' was out that sliding door the moment I called her. Ethel sat right at the threshold a long time, then followed her sister's lead.

They 'smelled' everything. Everything! And they kept glancing at me like they were asking, "is this really OK?" Eventually, each made the leap to the patio rail, and sat watching the world (as did I from my chair!). But they were so excited, nothing lasted long, they'd jump off the rail, go back inside, come back out, smell everything again, then back onto the rail, etc.

Each made it OFF the rail to the grass outside the patio for a minute, then back. So I was reassured they could make the jump (the patio rail is high!). But seems neither of them thought much of the cold, wet grass...

The two suprises?

1) They BOTH kept going back inside at the slightest noise, slinking quickly in the open patio door, and under the couch.

2) When I was finally about frozen and decided we'd been out long enough, I got the treat can and shook it. Neither of them paid a bit of attention to it! I had to 'con' each one into coming back in. (And I don't have a plan B!)

It's been a LONG, almost 3 years, to get them to this point. But all in all, a great experience that I hope to duplicate tomorrow, or soon, though I sure hope it's warmer! Cats should get to go OUT, even if it's supervised...

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